MTA's mission of enhancing museum trustee effectiveness and its programmatic offerings have expanded under Wieler's leadership. Since 2013 membership has tripled and industry partnerships have increased. Semi-annual Forums where trustees gather to exchange information and best practices have achieved record attendance and MTA’s website is a recognized source of free content for trustees everywhere. The Association is well-positioned to build on its momentum.
Wieler states, "For the last decade I've lived MTA's good governance mission as a board member, chair, and more recently as President. I am truly proud of our accomplishments working together as a team, including the Association's growth across the Americas, our commitment to building engaged, informed, and responsible museum boards, as well as the launch of MTA's template series utilizing cloud-based software making best practices accessible and affordable to the museum field."
MTA Board Chairman Lee Peterson comments, "I am confident in expressing our Board's collective appreciation for the leadership Mary has provided internally to MTA, as well as representing our trustee leadership in regional and national organizations. Thanks to Mary's passionate guidance, MTA is positioned for continued growth in membership and trustee influence nationally. The Board will celebrate Mary at our Spring Forum in Phoenix.”
Please direct all inquiries to Bill Appleton (MCA) at [email protected].