Old Barracks Museum
The Old Barracks Museum is a French and Indian War British military barracks located in downtown Trenton, NJ. Although it was built in 1758 as winter quarters, it was also used heavily in the American Revolution. The Battle of Trenton took place just one block from the Old Barracks, and following the Battle, it became a smallpox inoculation hospital under the command of General George Washington. In the early 20th century, the Old Barracks Association was formed to run a small Colonial History museum; by 1917, the building was restored to how it was believed to have looked at the time of its construction. The Old Barracks Association has been preserving the history of the building for over 100 years, with a current emphasis on guided tours and authentic historic interpretation.
Special events take place at the Old Barracks Museum year-round. On April 2 and 3, French and Indian War history is celebrated through “For King and Colony!” This weekend-long event focuses on the winter quartering of British troops and is full of activities for the whole family. The Fifes & Drums of the Old Barracks will conduct two Taptoe Concerts on July 8 and 29. These evening events recreate a summer evening in a garrison town, when the Fife & Drum Corp would signal to the taverns of the town that it was time to close the beer taps and send the soldiers home. On September 16, the Old Barracks will be turned into an 18th century tavern – the center of social life in any colonial town. Period food and drink will be served, and entertainment will abound with gambols and games with colonial characters. Patriots Week is the annual celebration of Trenton’s revolutionary history and will take place between December 26 and 31. Events usually include the Colonial Ball, lectures, walking tours, and a pub crawl. The week’s feature event is the Battle of Trenton reenactments, which will happen on the streets where the real battle took place, on Saturday,
December 31. Visit www.barracks.org for more information on these events and to sign up for monthly e-mails about special events.
Photos Provided by the Old Barracks Museum.
Special events take place at the Old Barracks Museum year-round. On April 2 and 3, French and Indian War history is celebrated through “For King and Colony!” This weekend-long event focuses on the winter quartering of British troops and is full of activities for the whole family. The Fifes & Drums of the Old Barracks will conduct two Taptoe Concerts on July 8 and 29. These evening events recreate a summer evening in a garrison town, when the Fife & Drum Corp would signal to the taverns of the town that it was time to close the beer taps and send the soldiers home. On September 16, the Old Barracks will be turned into an 18th century tavern – the center of social life in any colonial town. Period food and drink will be served, and entertainment will abound with gambols and games with colonial characters. Patriots Week is the annual celebration of Trenton’s revolutionary history and will take place between December 26 and 31. Events usually include the Colonial Ball, lectures, walking tours, and a pub crawl. The week’s feature event is the Battle of Trenton reenactments, which will happen on the streets where the real battle took place, on Saturday,
December 31. Visit www.barracks.org for more information on these events and to sign up for monthly e-mails about special events.
Photos Provided by the Old Barracks Museum.